I Feel Blue – About Currency

A stack of Argentinean Pesos

I’m not a travel neophyte. Over thirty-five years, I have flown more than a million miles. I have traveled throughout Canada, the US and a handful of countries in Europe. Customs and cultures are distinctive, but I assume some things remain consistent regardless of where I go. Argentina violated my assumption.

Buenos Aires is Flat

The pampas of Argentina

The title says it all. Buenos Aires is flat. Flatter than any city I’ve been in before. In fact, a large part of Argentina is flat. Just one more geographical tidbit that I’ve learned since I started traveling. Don’t get me started about how South American time zones relate to Toronto. I noticed this phenomenon […]

The Animals of Chile

People love their pets. That’s not a controversial thesis statement for a blog post, but they can’t all be gems. Let me try again. Animals, specifically canines, bovines, and felines, played an out-sized role in my Chilean experience. There. That’s a little better. Just a little. Starting with canines as that was one of my […]

Impressions of Santiago

The Andes overlooking Santiago, Chile

I’ve been a little remiss in blogging these last two months. Well, not a little. I completely ignored my blog. My reason was a good one, to me at least. I was finishing the editing on my debut novel. For good or bad, I finished my third pass earlier this week. The manuscript is now […]

I Love Me Some Good Lines

I arrived in Chile yesterday morning after a long day of traveling. A quick flight to Atlanta, long layover, long flight to Santiago. Arrived just shortly after 7 am local time.  But getting into the country? Anything by short. First, we get off the plane and head towards immigration and customs. We’re met with a […]

Travel in the Time of COVID

Travel in the time of COVID is challenging.  You could argue that just going to a different country might fall into that category. Not to mention being exposed to different cultures and different environments. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Every country that you visit has a fresh set of rules. At the moment, […]

The Road to Traveling

The idea of Airbnb-ing around the world came to me pre-COVID. I spent a couple of weeks in Europe with a friend and very much enjoyed to experience. Which, to be fair, isn’t enough of an impetus to change one’s life. Nor should it be. It did, however, get me thinking. I spent the vast […]